The powerful ability of science to penetrate the biochemical and molecular depths of the human body is utterly limitless when coupled with innovations from domains such as physics, engineering and molecular genetics. Clearly, the abilities of medicine are dictated by advancements in medical engineering and physics as they branch into the fields of surgery, oncology, neuroscience and cell biology. The Future of Medicine Through Bioengineering is interested in the interplay between neuroscience, imaging and engineering, and how a synergistic harmony between these fields will shape the future of medical practice. Consequently, our goal is not exclusive to understanding the inner workings of the human body, but rather to develop a pathway by which various scientific domains such as cell biology, physics, neuroscience, imaging and engineering can attack the same disorders in order to innovate and advance them in a manner which will benefit patients suffering from a variety of diseases. Bioengineering, technology and basic science - as one team - is the future of all medical practice. Physicians, scientists, engineers and economists will depend on the breakthrough technologies this particular field will bring to healthcare delivery. Our healthcare system is rapidly changing before our eyes, and the introduction of novel medical devices and clinical interventions forms the future face of medical practice. .fdf