Brain injury crushes the lives of many NFL and NCAA players both during and after their careers. Current neuro-imaging techniques are limited in their ability to detect an incoming concussion, and hence our ability to treat these patients is constrained. In treating a brain injury it is important to determine where in the brain the injury occurred, and precisely when the patient's brain underwent this incoming force of energy.
The BNA Analysis System is an Israeli- patented computer engineered brain-imaging technology which uses 64 electrodes to determine the brains health through assessing its neuronal electrical connectivity by frequency, location, timing, and synchrony. This information is then sent to the cloud, where computer software assesses the incoming data and informs the doctor with precise information of the integrity of the brain.
Watch the BNA Maps Creation video below.
The BNA Analysis System is an Israeli- patented computer engineered brain-imaging technology which uses 64 electrodes to determine the brains health through assessing its neuronal electrical connectivity by frequency, location, timing, and synchrony. This information is then sent to the cloud, where computer software assesses the incoming data and informs the doctor with precise information of the integrity of the brain.
Watch the BNA Maps Creation video below.